Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Book Review: The Giver

     The Giver, by Lois Lowery, a young adult book set in a dystopian science fiction world, is a simple read with complex discussions. It flows from scene to scene with ease and never leaves the reader wondering for details that should have been given, until the last chapter of the book that is. The main cast consists of Jonas, the Giver, Jonas's parents, siblings Lily and Gabe, Fiona, and his best friend Asher.
Jonas is chosen to be the community's next receiver, receiving memories of the past from the Giver so that he may one-day advise the Council on how to deal with situations that they have never encountered. As he takes on his new role in his community where everything is chosen for them, questions about morals and expression become a central point of the book. Jonas also has to come to terms with the fact that the people around him will never understand what he now knows about life, that he will be isolated from them regardless of how that makes him feel, slowly coming to the knowledge that he does not agree with the society around him.
I like how simplistic the book is on a surface level, coming off as another book about an adolescent rebelling against their society's broken rules and morals, which it is, but it has a deeper meaning when put into thought. The concepts in this book are interesting ones as they question how far is too far when the end goal is peace and stability; when is protection and safety infringing on people's liberty, their freedom? Jonas and the Giver become more established as they learn their answer, beginning to feel like real people, people with emotions, unlike the rest of the Community around them. Now, when it comes to my dislikes, I have few complaints, my only one being the ending of the book, and not knowing that it was apart of a series sooner. The ending seems to leave things up for interpretation, it could be positive but it very well may be negative. Jonas ends his story in a way that mirrors some of the happy memories that the Giver had given him. This coincidental twist leads me to immediately think that it's not real,  that he died in the snow before reaching this 'Elsewhere', but the ending could just be implying that the Community never changed, as it calls reference to him hearing music off in the distance, but not in front of him, behind him, from wince he came. Nonetheless, I recommend this book to children in around middle school or their first year of high school. It is not a complex read but could stir a good discussion as it makes the reader think about the society they live in.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Entry # 12

Springbreak came and went, but, before then I went on an FBLA fieldtrip to a State Conference. The experience was a good one but, honestly, anxiety-inducing, but like every JROTC canoe trip after I come back covered in heat bumps that won't subside for a month and sore limbs, I go every year. If given the opportunity I could see myself going back, that is if I wasn't graduating May 15.
I spent my entire Spring Break sleeping and occasionally working on the rest of my assignments like the procrastinator I am, but I did get a good amount of work done, so I'm proud of myself.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

#11: My Daily Entry

I woke up feeling horrible, which isn't unusual, but today was a new kind of horrible. I slept through first block, and when I was awake I just mean-mugged and gave grumbly answers. The rest of the day was fine, third block was a bit different, but not too drastic, we went over how to properly construct an essay, finding the claim, commentary, examples etc. in our partner's work. I'm still stressing though, an art project due Friday, an essay that needs to be ready for review Wednesday, FBLA events from now until the end of next week, but, I think I'll be fine.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

#10: My Daily Entry

This weekend was a bit eventful, other than cleaning out the fridge from top to bottom and washing clothes, I redesigned some of my characters. I feel like I've actually found my art style now, it's just the right mix of realism and cartoony and I'm finally pleased with it, it could still use some work but I like where it's going. It's like how I usually draw but with less yet more detail all at once, it's hard to explain. But, other than redesigning, I've worked on storylines and backstories, some of my characters still having their original outlines from when I was in middle school, they're horrible.

Friday, February 8, 2019

#9: The Color Purple Reflection / My Daily Entry


Celie tells someone about what her father did to her for the first time, that person being Shug. It shows just how strong their bound has to become, and just how much Celie trust Shug, she's kept this to herself for years.

Daily Entry

Friday was pretty typical, we had a pep rally at school and I didn't attend. I stayed in my fourth block, Art 3, and helped Ms.Washburn put together the group mural of one of her classes. I jokingly said I was going to steal one of the aprons that we use while painting, using charcoal or anything messy, and she let me have it. It has little kitchen utensils all over it and has pockets in the front, I really like it.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

#8: The Color Purple Reflection / My Daily Entry

It's ironic to see Sofia in a situation where she can't speak her mind, where she can't defend herself anymore. We all expected Sofia to act the way she did towards the woman when she asked her to be her maid after poking and prodding at her children like slaves ready for sale, but seeing her bruised and hurt is alien. Sofia admits that while she's in prison, she acts like Celie.

Daily Entry
After school, I started on some concept art for a multitude of things, character designs of my own, character designs pertaining to a friend of mine's work-in-progress book, and for my entry into my art portfolio, hopefully, I finish this one on time, I have a lot of things to get to still.

Monday, February 4, 2019

#7: My Daily Entry

Today was a bit bland overall, but some of the details are interesting. We had a sub in our first block which was great, because, I had not gotten any of my concept art done over the break, I have until Friday to meet my self-made deadline, but still; poor sorcerous Willow Smith is finally completed by the way. In photography we're started to practice how to put the film on the reel without looking at it, similar to the dark room and developing the paper, with film, if any light touches it, it'll mess it up. So, we have to be able to pop open the canister our film is in, take the film, put it onto the reel without messing it up, it sounds really easy but I promise you it's not, well, it depends on the type of reel you use but that's besides the point.