Friday, January 18, 2019

Vocabulary Quiz

1.) Apostrophe - a figure of speech sometimes represented by an exclamation, such as "Oh."; speaks directly to someone who is not present, dead, or to an inanimate object(s)

2.) Paradox - a statement that may seem absurd or contradictory but can be true or at least make sense; are usually contrary to what is commonly believed.

3.) Anaphora- the repetition of a certain word or phrase at the beginning of successive lines of writing or speech and is used to convey an argument

4.) Dearth - a scarcity or lack thereof something

5.) Incongruous - not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects of something

6.) Enjambment - a thought, sense, phrase or clause in a line of poetry that does not come to an end at the break but, moves over to the next line, essentially a run on sentence

7.) Rhyming Couplet - two successive rhyming lines in a verse

8.) Variable Rhythm- a varied amount of stressed and unstressed pattern of beats

9.) Lament- a passionate expression of grief, often in music, poetry, or song form

10.) Scarce- a situation where there is too little of something or where something exists only in small amounts
Literature, what would it be without its Apostrophe's and their figures of speech, despite the Paradox that comes with them, they never cease to repeatedly reel us in, much like Anaphoras. Enjambments mix with Rhyming Couplets, putting a much-needed twist to a work with such awe and efficiency that adding a Variable Rhythm to the mix would only lessen the beauty of it on its own. Laments and their emotion-driven stories can leave a sense of Incongruous, filling you with the dearth that they must have felt as they took to writing such a literary piece. Literature, a compilation of so much to make up something much larger.

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