Sunday, November 12, 2017

Sunday's Homework Pg. 126-146

Pg. 129 "He had promised her a portrait of herself in oils on her seventeenth birthday, but Phuong was horrified at the thought, imagining he would portray her with a long, drawn face as he usually painted his subjects.  He even gave his fairies long faces, with seaweed for hair and lemon colored skin...."

1. The theme of the passage was art, describing Kien's father's art style.

2. This quote characterizes Kein's father quit a bit, giving us a glimpse into his mind.

Pg. 139 " The three farm girls had disappeared on the other side of the mountain. He then dreamed of Phuong every night throughout this tragic episode....Kien had lived their loves with them by proxy, using Phuong as his own jungle girl, conjuring up intense and passionately romantic dreams. Sadly, the dreams were often tinged with painful forebodings of disaster, as his romance with Phuong had been."

1. The theme of this quote is love, Kien's love for Phuong and the love the farm girls and the three lovers from Kien's platoon.

5. This quote relates to the modern time issue that soldiers today face, the aching feeling that they must feel after leaving their loved ones.

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