Thursday, November 1, 2018

The History of Blood Consuming, Sun Hating, Pale Skinned Creatures of the Night.

Vampires have been a work of fiction as far back as Greek Mythology, told in a tale of an Italian man called Ambrogio, and the love of his life, Selena, their convoluted story boils down to Apollo, the Sun God, cursing Ambrogio for pursuing Selena, causing his skin to burn when in contact with the sun's rays. He desperately wanted to be with Selena, going to Hades, the God of the Underworld, for help, stealing from Artemis to fulfill his deal with Hades. Artemis than cursed him for stealing her silver bow, his skin now burning at the touch of silver, but she felt sympathetic, pitying him. She gave him immortality, super strength, and fangs to kill beast so he could use their blood to write poems and love letters to Selena. But, eventually Selena escaped from Apollo, Ambrogio making her immortal by drinking her blood, another ability given to him by Artemis.
Other than that, signs of vampires in history are prevalent such as stories by Stoker and his Vlad Dracula along with medical history of vampires in uneducated medieval times. People were regularly accused of being vampire when they were sick, and suffering g from diseases that caused bleeding lesions of their mouths and staking the dead to keep then from reawakening.